Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction (Draft)

Discrimination of Otaku Culture in Japan and in the Philippines

A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of The English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRITE-Research Writing

Jane Dianne S. Gaylican
February 2013


A.                Background of the Study

Anime obsession has now captured the world’s attention. Otaku is the Japanese slang term for “geek”. Commonly, it is a word subjected to being a fan of anime and manga. In Japan, the word is looked down upon as a term for a person with any obsessive interest –not limited to anime and manga- sometimes bordering to extreme levels. "When these people are referred to as an “otaku”, they are judged for their behaviors - and people suddenly see an “otaku” as a person unable to relate to reality". (

Throughout the years, there are more Otakus than there are Anime and Mangas. But technicalities and controversies often arise from popularity. According to Otaku enthusiast, Lawrence Eng, the discrimination of Otakus started with the Miyazaki incident in the year 1989. Miyazaki kidnapped and murdered 4 little girls. When he was arrested, the police found a huge collection of various anime and manga, some of it pornographic, in his apartment. The media found out about this and repeatedly pressed that Miyazaki is an Otaku, thereby exposing the term to the public. As such, “Otaku” was connected with lunatics like Miyazaki and in panic, many of the media tried to blame Miyazaki’s odd behavior on anime and manga. (

Putting said incident aside, the Otaku community continues to rage on. This is evident to the Philippines growing Otaku society. Beginning with its involvement in learning more of Japan’s culture, language, an interest in manga, cosplay, figure collecting, anime conventions, and game and animation development.

But currently, some fans get started on all the wrong aspects of Otaku fandom, earning the concern of the elderly and the discrimination of modern society. Viewers are ultimately captured by infamous genres of anime, Action and Hentai. Most anime titles like Dragon Ball and Naruto feature violence to its audience, allowing children below the age of 7 and even older spectators to imitate the violent acts presented in the said shows. There is also the concept of Hentai or Anime pornography. With its fame, Hentai is now accused to be the real anime -when in truth, it’s not. This leads to the misconception of other people thus they show prejudice to Otakus.

Anime has changed the lives of its fans, even more so than anyone may think. But with constant negative issues that refrain Otakus from expressing their love for their interests, in comes closet-otakus. There is also the idea of how Otakus are taking part in conventions and cosplay with their budgets on the line, in addition the regular spending on mangas, games and other anime-related merchandise. There is nothing wrong with satisfying the desire for your interests.

Anime and Manga are the necessities of Otakus. It is their perception that anime is their one of a kind stress reliever and source of entertainment. Although one has to realize that there are limitations and risks that they have to consider. Therefore, having a further understanding of the both the positive and negative effects of being an Otaku.

This research paper focuses on the cause and effects of Otaku culture in Japan and the Philippines.

B.                B.       Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the question:

1.      What are the cause and effects of Otaku Culture?

C.                Significance of the Study

Anime Enthusiasts: This research will assist anime enthusiasts in learning a lot more about anime in Japan and the Philippines. Especially the effects it provides to society. It also teaches how anime is different from cartoons and how it changed the lives of many.

Otaku Enthusiasts: This research will educate them further on the aspect of being Otaku: the types, the lifestyles and how it affects their day to day life. This also helps enthusiasts who are pursuing their PhD’s on Otaku research.

Parents: This will help parents understand their children’s interests and what it truly means to be an otaku. It can also clarify their doubts on letting their children continue with their obsession and limit them their addiction.

Future Researchers: As there are information given, it can serve as a guide for future references, especially to researchers who are interested in learning more about the study.

D.                D.       Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the cause and effects of Otaku Culture. As Anime is now internationally popular, the study will only center upon its country of origin, Japan and the Philippines. With the rise of anime popularity in the Philippines and the steady participation of Japanese Otakus the research will prove to be significant for researchers.

E.                 E.       Materials and Methods

The study will be based upon articles featuring Otaku-related information and naturally its effect to its viewers and modern society. The researcher aims to correct and educate the reader’s point of view on the discrimination and effects of Otaku Culture in Japan and in the Philippines. Thorough explanation will be needed as to elaborate the topic further.

In time, Surveys will conducted on Otakus, cosplayers and Anime retailers. Details and information that they will supply, will be relevant as it will be focusing on they cope with the good and bad effects of being an otaku and how they started as one.

F.                 F.        Definition of Terms

Anime             noun: a style of animation that originated and is still heavily centered in Japan.
The word 'anime' is based on the original Japanese pronunciation of the American
word 'animation.'

Cosplay          noun: an abbreviation of "costume-play". The term refers to dressing up as an
anime/manga/game character.

Cosplayer       noun: a person who dresses up like a character from a manga or anime series, a
movie, a videogame, etc.

Hentai             Hentai is a Sino-Japanese compound term widely used in modern Japanese to
designate a person, action or state that is considered queer or perverse,
particularly in a sexual sense.

Manga            "Manga" are Japanese comic books/graphic novels. The word literally means
"whimsical pictures" in Japanese.

Mecha             A synthetic or artificial creature or machine which is of generally humanoid or
other form. An intelligent program of piece of code inhabiting or controlling a
body is also known as a mecha, which is short for mechanical.

Otaku             A Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly
                        anime and manga.      


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