Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chapter 3: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations (Draft)


I.                   SUMMARY
This paper attempted to determine the different causes and effects of being an Otaku.
The research design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein data was derived from different articles, interviews and surveys to answer the research question created. The study findings are as follows:
1.      Otakus are people who have an obsession or an addiction, in which people find extensive to the point of discrimination.
2.      There are other types of Otakus besides the occasional Anime/Manga Otaku.
3.      Otaku Discrimination started with the Miyazaki incident, with that scandal, society had labelled Otakus as sociopathic freaks who are drived by their obsessions to violent and fatal acts.
4.      There are three theories on how the term “Otaku” started: a sociological outlook, a negative point and the third states a historical significance.
5.      There are reasons to why anime addiction starts: One, anime itself. Two, the captivating storyline. Three, the amazing graphics. Four, peer pressure. And last but certainly not the least is anime is a boredom buster.
6.      Being an Otaku has its positive and negative effects. On the positive side, Otaku culture promotes social interaction, art skills and knowledge on other cultures such as Japan’s heritage and language. The negatives are quite simple; there is discrimination, violence and sexual influence.
7.      There is discrimination towards Otaku society and this is not only the cause of the masses but also the victim. For the victim isolates itself from society, in which society interprets this as strange and unnatural, thus making assumptions of the latter.  

II.                CONCLUSIONS
     Based on the results illustrated by this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.      The discrimination of Otakus is caused by two reasons: a stereotype that society made through the Miyazaki incident and a first impression that they did not consider to correct.
2.      The cause and effects of being an Otaku both positively and negatively affect the outlook of other people to Otakus.
3.      Otakus and Society both have a problem with relating to each other, thus leading to the misunderstanding that is now the discrimination of Otakus.
4.      Society must understand the perspective of Otakus and Otakus should co-exist with society not only in presence but also in emotion and spirit.

After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:
1.      When one is interested in pursuing a hobby, do not be afraid to try. When one becomes addicted to said hobby, you are now hereby labelled as an Otaku but do not fret to be one. Being an Otaku may have its struggles but nevertheless having something to be interested in is better than not having any at all.
2.      Otakus are also people: they have emotions, thus they can feel how society sees them. If you are acquaintances with an Otaku, don’t let your first impression be your last because there is more to a person than meets the eye.

IV.             REFERENCES

Electronic Media
“Anime Addiction: It’s Causes And Effects On Studentfrom http://knightsjun.blogspot. com/2012/01/anime-addiction-its-causes-and-effects.html

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Eng, Lawrence (2001), “The Politics of Otaku” from

Eng, Lawrence (2001), “The current status of "otaku" and Japan's latest youth crisis” from

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Kateregga, Michael, “Anime Thrills: What separates anime from cartoons” from http://www

McLelland, Mark, “A Short History of ‘Hentai’” from http://intersections. issue12/mclelland.html
McNulty, Amy, “The Effects of Anime to Students” from 8177537_effects-anime-students.html

 Po, Andrew, “Anime VS. Cartoons: What’s the Difference?” from http://chadrew.qondio. com/anime-vs-cartoons-whats-the-difference

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Tano, Duy, “Filipino Komiks and History” from filipino-komiks-and-history.html


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